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Our Federation

CPD Partnerships

In order to provide a comprehensive, well-structured and bespoke CPD offer for staff and governors, we utilise a range of strategic partnerships. Read more below.

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The Swaledale Alliance

The Alliance was formed in March 2012 and became a Teaching School in March 2013. Even though the initiative and central funding has ended, it continues to provide ITT, CPD and school to school support for 50 schools in the northern area of North Yorkshire. ‘Alliance HQ’ is based at one of our federation schools, Brompton-on-Swale CE Primary School. There are a wide range of CPD opportunities from subject leader network groups, governor training, and headteacher network meetings, to new HLTA training, teaching assistant training (CACHE) and preventing and managing behaviour programmes.


Diocese of Leeds

The majority of the federation's schools are Church of England schools, therefore it is very important that we work in partnership with Diocese of Leeds and their education team in order to provide a range of CPD for staff and governors to develop our Church school distinctiveness.  The Diocese provides a comprehensive menu of CPD and school improvement services which we plan for carefully.

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North Yorkshire Education Services

As a group of maintained schools, we work closely in partnership with our Local Authority.  Our headteacher team work together with our named senior school adviser who provides support and challenge at a senior level.  There is also a comprehensive range of CPD available to support with all aspects of school improvement from Early Years and curriculum support through to health and safety knowledge.

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Red Kite Teaching School Hub (TSH)

Our local TSH provides a good range of CPD opportunities from a full suite of NPQs and co-ordination of national hub training to the implementation of an initial teacher training offer.

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Burley Woodhead English Hub

The federation has worked very closely with our local English hub for a number of years. They provide an excellent range of CPD opportunities for our staff, from leadership development sessions for our subject specialists to subject content knowledge sessions for our teaching assistants.

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Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub

We work very closely with our local maths hub. Our federation maths lead is a mastery specialist for the hub and delivers CPD weekly for several of their work groups. As a result of this excellent partnership, mathematics CPD across the federation is of excellent quality, well-planned and keeps staff up to date with current pedagogical thinking.

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Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised

The federation uses Little Wandle as its systematic, synthetic phonics programme. We’ve been using this programme since September 2021 and it is fully embedded into each school’s practice across the federation. CPD for this programme is comprehensive and staff are regularly asked to update their training and remind themselves of the key principles and techniques required.


Jane Considine Education

The federation utilises ‘The Write Stuff’ and ‘Hooked on Books’ as our approach to the teaching of writing and reading for Key Stage 2 (post systematic, synthetic, phonics). Training for these key subjects is ongoing and often revisited via video and small group discussion. The benefits of this approach are numerous – especially for new members of staff who are able to get up to speed quickly with the focused CPD programme instantly available.

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of 6 primary schools across North Yorkshire. Established in 2018, Hutton Rudby and Aiskew, Leeming Bar primary schools joined in 2024.